This is very 2007 of me, but I've fallen in love with Mad Men this week. I've watched the whole first season since Monday and man-oh-man is it great. I really don't want to write a whole long post about it since it'll just be stuff people have been saying for two years, but at the same time I NEED everyone to know how fabulous it is!
I mean, Jon Hamm/Don Draper, come on! At the point in every episode where he inevitably cheats on his wife, I always wonder what the big deal about him is and why everyone loves him so much even though he's so awful and then this happens:

and I'm like "Oh yeah. Never mind." This man is handsome. Liz Lemon was right; he looks like a cartoon pilot. Sigh.
Also, I want Joan Holloway's body. Not like in the lovin' way, more like the I-want-a-perfect-hourglass-figure-so-darn-badly way. This is Christina Hendricks (who plays her) at the Emmys this year, looking gorgeous.

Also, Peggy and Harry are my favorites.

I feel like I should talk about the show and how well-written and -acted it is (and also how I should catch up two seasons) and not just about how cute the characters are but I kind of feel sick and not like writing a lot although I do have two more things:
Today at church Dale was saying that if you're a Christian, no matter where you are in life, you have the opportunity to help someone out. Like, God put you where you are for a reason, whether you're at work or home or school, etc. You always have the opportunity to talk to someone or show them kindness. Well, right after that I went to lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in a while and right after we sat down she started asking me about church and how it was and I was able to talk to her about all the different things that go on there and what we believe and she's going to be visiting with me next-next Sunday! It's awesome how things work out that way.
Lastly, here are pictures of me as a mod/go-go dancer (and my boyfriend as a mildly amused David Bowie):

Getting mod-ified.
The color (not to mention my face) is somewhat wonky in the last one, but it was super-dark so I had to brighten it up the best I could. None of these turned out too well, but it was fun.