Saturday, November 28, 2009

(#19) Saturday Night's Alright (For Blogging)

I am watching the football game. The football game is boring. Here's a lovely picture I took at the one I went to a while ago...

You know, that picture is exactly how I feel about the game in general: there's a bunch of little people running around, everything's kind of blurry to me because I have no idea what they're doing, and there are a million people in the stands. That's about it. That said, though, we're totally going to win.

So the other day my dad gave me two books to read (but to be returned in "perfect condition"):

Um, yes! I love The Beatles so much (I'm pretty sure every English-speaking person has to, but whatever). My favorite era of theirs was the clean-cut media darling phase - they were just so bright and witty in interviews and whatnot. I mean, I love their music from any year (Let It Be is not my fave, but we'll ignore that), but I love looking at pictures from the early(-ish) days.

I would have been one of these girls:

I think the White album is my favorite.

(#18) When [He's] Sixty-[Seven]


Paul McCartney was the cutest. That is all.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

(#17) Mad World

This is very 2007 of me, but I've fallen in love with Mad Men this week. I've watched the whole first season since Monday and man-oh-man is it great. I really don't want to write a whole long post about it since it'll just be stuff people have been saying for two years, but at the same time I NEED everyone to know how fabulous it is!

I mean, Jon Hamm/Don Draper, come on! At the point in every episode where he inevitably cheats on his wife, I always wonder what the big deal about him is and why everyone loves him so much even though he's so awful and then this happens:

and I'm like "Oh yeah. Never mind." This man is handsome. Liz Lemon was right; he looks like a cartoon pilot. Sigh.

Also, I want Joan Holloway's body. Not like in the lovin' way, more like the I-want-a-perfect-hourglass-figure-so-darn-badly way. This is Christina Hendricks (who plays her) at the Emmys this year, looking gorgeous.

Also, Peggy and Harry are my favorites.

I feel like I should talk about the show and how well-written and -acted it is (and also how I should catch up two seasons) and not just about how cute the characters are but I kind of feel sick and not like writing a lot although I do have two more things:

Today at church Dale was saying that if you're a Christian, no matter where you are in life, you have the opportunity to help someone out. Like, God put you where you are for a reason, whether you're at work or home or school, etc. You always have the opportunity to talk to someone or show them kindness. Well, right after that I went to lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in a while and right after we sat down she started asking me about church and how it was and I was able to talk to her about all the different things that go on there and what we believe and she's going to be visiting with me next-next Sunday! It's awesome how things work out that way.

Lastly, here are pictures of me as a mod/go-go dancer (and my boyfriend as a mildly amused David Bowie):

Getting mod-ified.

The color (not to mention my face) is somewhat wonky in the last one, but it was super-dark so I had to brighten it up the best I could. None of these turned out too well, but it was fun.